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Organizations Advancing Debate For Students

Organizations Advancing Debate for Students

Promoting Critical Thinking and Oratory Skills

Various organizations are dedicated to fostering debate and critical thinking among students in India. These organizations play a vital role in providing platforms for students to develop their analytical and oratory skills, as well as promoting intellectualism and radical thinking.

Indian Schools Debating Society (ISDS)

ISDS is a non-profit organization that seeks to take competitive debating to students across India. It began with a small group of five schools in Chennai and has since expanded to reach a wider student population.

Debate Club Chennai

Founded in 2010, Debate Club Chennai aims to promote radical thinking and intellectualism among youth. It offers a platform where students can refine their analytical and oratory capabilities.


Taivas provides a customized debate platform that fosters a conducive environment for students to enhance their debate skills. The organization focuses on providing a supportive space for students to develop their critical thinking and presentation abilities.
